Monday, March 19, 2018

The Chemical War on Today's Man (& how to cleanse the soyboy out of you)

PROJECT PELICAN - Truth Unsealed!!! Bigger Than Uranium One

URANIUM 1 indictments starting to be unsealed heres the first

A First Look At The DOJ Indictments Against The Clinton Crime Network

Fooling the American masses with false-flag terror is no longer easy

Even though the Ruling Cabal controls the six Major Mass Media, it is no longer easy for the Ruling Cabal to fool the American People with their staged, engineered false-flag terror attacks.

by  Preston James

We now know for certain that the Ruling Cabal has been using USG and its secret factions in various agencies like DHS, FEMA, the FBI, the CIA, and foreign groups like the Mossad, DVD and other subcontractors, to repeatedly engineer and stage Gladio-style False-flag attacks.

More and more these Cabal ordered, USG run false-flag attacks are now being exposed for what they actually are, inside-job attacks on We The People. And they are being deployed in order to convince We The People to give up more Constitutional rights (especially the right to bear arms) in exchange for promises of increased safety from terror.

The first recorded use of False-Flag terror occurred in the 1700’s with Naval vessels of competing nations where one navy would set up a renegade ship, flag it with their enemies flag and make an attack on one of their own Navy’s ships. This provided a means to wrongly blame an enemy who did not attack, and was used to justify attacking that enemy or go to war with that enemy.

This technique was used by the Nazis at Gleweitz, Germany where they dressed up like Polish Soldiers and attacked a German radio station and used it as an excuse to invade Poland and start WWII.

It was also used by the Nazis to burn down the Reichstag and blame it on the Russians and institute gun control and other anti-terror measures such as the Nazi Enabling Act.

The reason that these numerous false-flag terror incidents deployed are being exposed for what they really are more and more every day to an increasing number of Americans is because of the emergence and common use of the worldwide Internet.

Every day more and more folks are going to alternative media websites as a source of current news and truth, instead of watching or listening to the six Network Major Mass Media News.

As the masses increasingly use the Internet Alternative Media websites, the number of users of the six Major Mass Media decreases proportionately.

As this downward spiral of less use of the Major Mass Media increases daily, the Ruling Cabal that controls the Internet through certain USG and foreign Intel agencies has begun instituting blatant means to demonetize alt media websites and authors, restrict searches, and censor alt media posts. Numerous alt media websites are being attacked and having content removed illegally.

Much of this new web censorship is being done secretly by use of “national security letters” which are signed Intelligence findings that are delivered to a web service operator who is allowed to read such, but cannot keep it and will be threatened with a $10,000 fine and 10 years in jail if they disclose the order.
Many alt media authors are now collaborating to set up their own alternative networks to thwart this censorship.

The Internet has become the Achilles heel of the Ruling Cabal which has been empowered by its private worldwide central FIAT banking which allowed it to establish a stranglehold on America and most of the world the last 100 years.

The Ruling Cabal has fully supported the concept of the Worldwide Internet because it was sold to them by DARPA and American Intel as the greatest surveillance and mind-kontrol tool ever devised. To a certain degree this has held true.

However, what was not anticipated was that the Internet would quickly become a powerful force for education of the masses of Ruling Cabal crimes and the crimes of their henchmen across various Intel agencies and subcontractors who they use to do their dirty work including many harassments and murders. Nor was it expected that the Internet would result in the emergence of a new and powerful populism in America.

The speed of light transmission of information about the Ruling Cabal’s massive crimes against Americans and much of the world by deployment of the USG’s Intel agencies and the US Military has created a rapid emergence of populism in the American People and much of the western world.

And this new and massive populism is now based on leaked, reported extensive knowledge of the Ruling Cabal’s deployed covert actions by those individual agents who were close to them and never accepted such evil actions. In the last several years  many former US Intel agents have leaked massive amounts of illegal acts by the various agencies they worked for.

These illegal acts leaked are a wide variety of crimes against humanity and violations of the US Constitution, International Law, the laws of many other nations, and include murder, mass-murder, promotion of pedophilia and satanism, targeting of dissidents and numerous types of human compromise crimes.

It is now obvious that most US Intel agencies and those other G7 ones they share operations and immunity with are functioning inside America as a large RICO crime syndicate run by the Ruling Cabal that hijacked America in 1913 with the illegal passage of the unconstitutional Federal Reserve Act.

Powerful renegade factions deep inside certain unacknowledged secret space war programs have emerged, folks with full access to all NSA collected secrets, and these folks have leaked massive disclosures through the Internet by multiple sources to make certain the Ruling Cabal would be displaced and brought to its knees.

The Internet quickly has become the world’s New Gutenberg Press and is producing a new powerful, mass populism in America.

The Internet is the New Gutenberg press and is creating a strong, emerging populism in America and much of the World. Populism is antagonistic to Globalism and will destroy the Globalist’s NWO agenda unless stopped. Many insiders believe that the Internet’s popularity will assure the destruction of the Globalist’s NWO Agenda and will result in the progressive repatriotization of American Intel and Law Enforcement.
Actually, the Internet has quickly become the world’s New Gutenberg Press. The Gutenberg Press was revolutionary and made mass-produced printed materials available by the invention of resettable type-set.

This new revolutionary development allowed the mass-printing of the Bible which gelded the Vatican back as soon as the educated classes began to read the scripture and discovered that the Vatican did not follow it but had created church tradition to support bad policies.

False-Flags are always the result of a fascist regime at work.
Successful deployment of false-flag attacks is ipso-fact complete evidence that a nation is technically in a state of fascism (the government has merged with the largest, most powerful corporations).

In America right now we have a state of super-fascism which is the merger of the corporation and the state with the corporations stacking the USG to perform as their puppets.

And the history of WWII has shown us all that Fascist regimes are always set up and controlled by the Ruling Cabal which runs the private central FIAT central Banking System.

Seasoned investigators have labeled this Ruling Cabal as occult and satanic based, filled with pedophiles and child sacrificers and best described as World Zionists run out of the City of London, a separate one square mile nation-state with its own police force and diplomats. Note: The top World Zionist Ruling Cabal controllers and policy-makers carry NO Hebrew Blood but are Old Black European Nobility.

False-flags cannot be effectively deployed unless the Major Mass Media, Intel and Law Enforcement are controlled.

In order for the public to be effectively bamboozled into believing the government’s (aka “the perp’s”) false-narratives in the Major Mass Media that always accompany their false-flag attacks, that fascist government must have gained control over the existing Major Mass Media, Intel and Law Enforcement.
In America this has classically been quite easy for the to accomplish because the Major Mass Media has been consolidated into six major International media corporations and functions as an illegal news monopoly (under anti-trust laws), best described as a news cartel.

And since the Roswell incident in 1947, National Security was initially imposed on the USA to protect the Alien ET/UFO/anti-gravity secrets, but since has become expanded to be used as a false cover for all the sins, evils and crimes of the Ruling Cabal and its agents in the Major Mass Media, Intel, Law Enforcement and USG agencies.

In America the six Major Mass Media have been transformed after 1947 into CIA proprietaries that function in lock-step for the Ruling Cabal through official USG spokespersons. These media spokespersons are personally controlled by the CIA directly or indirectly.

Whenever the government/Major Mass Media complex’s false-narratives about their False-flags terror attacks start being rejected by a growing portion of the populace, this means that the Fascist Regime behind such attacks is being seriously challenged.

And that is precisely what is happening now in America thanks to the Internet which is the New Gutenberg Press.

The new Gutenberg Press as a strong neutralizer of the Ruling Cabal’s false-narratives about their engineered and staged False-flag terror attacks, and this works to erode USG fascism.

Despite all the differences and disagreements that have at times arisen between different  Internet alternative media websites that are exposing these False-flag terror attacks for what they really are (Gladio-style government actions designed to extract more power and rights from the masses), their collective product has been to degrade and neutralize the false-narratives of the False-flag perps in various USG agencies.

Some of the Alternative media Internet websites fully expose these USG False-flags and are viewed by other less radical, less well informed alt websites as too radical, occasionally accusing these full exposers of being “limited hangout” Cabal agents.

Usually Cabal apologists and their cover-up artists are hidden among the “limited hangout” type alt media Internet websites. The Cabal’s financing, use and protection of some alt media “limited hangout” websites actually has failed in its goal of neutralizing the Internet’s massive disclosures of their dirty secrets. Why is this so?

Because many of the Alt Media website users have become so knowledgeable and sophisticated that they will pick and choose truth nuggets from these limited hangout websites while rejecting their conclusions (aka “Bad payloads”).

There is a growing number of sophisticated alt media website users that take the truth nuggets from each website that resonate with their current mindset and then draw their own conclusions.

Even if alt media website users disagree on whether anybody died or not at the latest mass-shooting in Parkland, Florida, most now agree that this incident and most others like it are Cabal engineered and staged Gladio-style false-flag attacks.

These may differ with some thinking these False-flags used either MK-Ultra mind-kontrolled “Sirhan-Sirhan type” patsies, multiple shooters and had real dead victims.

Others who know they are engineered and staged false-flags may believe that large numbers of crisis actors were used, fake stage blood and faked events were deployed to fool the public and nobody was actually murdered or even shot.

But the bottom line there is more basic agreement than disagreement that all these events in some way are USG engineered and staged “inside-job” Gladio-style False-flag attacks on We The People.

It is know by insiders that police involved in many of such matters have seen national security (with threats of prosecution, sometime lethal threats) imposed to prevent them from telling what they know and the release of any forensic evidence or crime scene videos or photos.

It is also know beyond any shadow of a doubt that crisis actors have been hired in advance for many of these False-flag events. Advertising for such has been recovered and faces of some different False-flags matched showing the same actors used more than once sometimes. It is also known for a fact that many of these crisis events have had DHS/FEMA live-shooter drills scheduled for that same day or right before.

Even with the numerous differences various alt media website users have about the unfolding of these mass crisis events, and whether folks really died or not, most are getting hip to the fact that all of these are engineered and staged USG related False-flag terror attacks.

Let me emphasize what will happen if we ever see the day that our state and federal governments start enforcing the numerous laws already on the books for terrorism and take on the Ruling Cabal and their engineered, staged False-flag synthetic terror attacks: hundreds of US officials, elected and appointed, in various USG Agnesse, both Intel and Law enforcement will be going to jail for life.

Why? Because the deployment and cover up of False-flag terror is major felony crime. It violates numerous federal and state laws including RICO criminal and civil.

Update on explosion investigation with Chief Manley Austin Texas

One of America's Most Notorious Militias

Breaking! Two More Bombings Rock Austin, Tx

Two male victims in their 20s were injured in the bombings


Two “explosion incidents” were reported in Austin, Texas Sunday following three deadly package explosions earlier in the month.
Owen Shroyer reports live from the scene.

Sunday, March 18, 2018

If you're looking for a unicorn 🦄 toy for your child's Easter basket, Cracker Barrel has the..... WTF

US Rebels Doing War Crimes In Syria! Insane!

US Rebels Using Human Shields! Trump, Get US OUT of Syria! It's DUMB! from Truth Warriors on Vimeo.

Syrian Army rescues civilians in Ghouta and they tell a shocking story!  The US backed rebels are using civilians as human shields!  They are starving them and won't let them leave!  Watch the video that will never be on Fox News, 60 minutes or the rest of the Fake News!   If you believe as I do that we have no business in Syria since we were not invited then Tweet Trump @potus and @realdonaldtrump and tell him to get everybody out of Syria and quit supporting evil scum!  It's just DUMB,  DUMB, and DUMBER.

Trump knows it's dumb and WE know it!  Stop the madness, ignore the deep state shills telling you we have to stay in Syria and get out before somebody starts World War III!  Stop all the support of these CIA "Rebels" who are nothing more than devils!  The US doesn't need anymore wars unless we are invaded.  No more proxy wars for the Rothschilds and Israel!  We have to tell Trump because neocon Bush scum like Sean Hannity will tell him we need to go to war in Syria for his Israeli masters who write Sean's paychecks!

Dad pulls knife at school board meeting to prove a point.

Dad pulls knife at school board meeting to prove a point.
Beta males freak out, of course.
Man asks the logical question, "What are you going to do? I brought this knife into school. NOT a gun... a knife, & I can cause a lot of damage with this. What are you going to do?"

Important to watch!

Important to watch!  
WHY is Trump encouraging this to happen to humanity?
5G, micro-chipping and other issues 

Trump is not who you think he is

X22 Report

The Global Economic System Has Been Put On Notice, Prepare Yourself - Episode 1524a
Boom, Boom, Boom, Time To Bring Down The Deep State - Episode 1524b

Fundamentals 3: Your Flags

From Anna Von Reitz
Every country on Earth has both a martial flag, otherwise known as a "war flag" and a civil flag known as a "peace flag".

They also have a military -- armed forces in charge of the war flag, and a civilian service --civilian government employees in charge of the peace flag.

In this country, "Old Glory", the "Stars and Stripes" is the war flag.  And the United States Civil Flag, the one with vertical stripes, is what it says it is--- the peacetime flag of the civil service.

In America, we are served by principle branches of military service: Army, Navy, Air Force, and US Marine Corps, plus other forces, like the National Guard, all of which fly the war flag, the Stars and Stripes, for obvious reasons. 

We are also supposed to have a federal civil service and that service is supposed to be flying the United States Civil Flag, a distinctively different version of our flag with vertical stripes-----but isn't.  Why not?

The United States Civil Flag should be flying over post offices, customs houses, departmental office buildings like the United States Department of Labor, etc., and agencies like the FBI, FFA, FAA, BLM, and so on. 

Instead, all of these federal entities, whether martial or civil, are flying the Stars and Stripes --- the war flag --- and have done so as far back as anyone can remember. 

There isn't an American now living who can remember when the Post Offices flew the United States Civil Flag.  It disappeared in the confusion and aftermath of the Civil War, in the so-called "Reconstruction Era" which, it turns out, should have more aptly been called the "Obstruction Era".

We have very early tin-type photographs from newspapers and drawings and lithographs from before the Civil War showing the United States Civil Flag flying over post offices and courts and other civil office buildings ---all with vertical stripes; there are notable letters and official documents and period publications confirming these facts, and we even have photographs documenting the use of the United States Civil Flag at polling places and other public events after the Civil War ended.   

The most accessible and easiest proof of the existence and use of the United States Civil Flag is at the very beginning of Nathaniel Hawthorne's classic novel, The Scarlet Letter, where he describes the United States Civil Flag in detail, flying over a federal custom's house.  The Scarlet Letter was published in 1850, a few years before the illegal mercenary conflict we have been taught to call The American Civil War.

Our National Government-- the federal government we are supposed to have running the delegated federal services--- has been secretively mothballed by the foreign British Territorial United States Government ever since the end of the Civil War.  They have usurped upon the American National Government in Breach of Trust and Commercial Contract and substituted themselves as the primary federal service providers, having unlawfully converted the original States of State into Territorial States of States, and otherwise "re-constructed" things to suit their best interests, howbeit, without the knowledge or consent of the American states and people. 

Our national level flags -- both of them -- have their origins during the Revolutionary War.  The Stars and Stripes was (and is) the banner of the Federation of States doing business under The Unanimous Declaration of Independence as The United States of America (Unincorporated) (1776) 

The so-called "rebellious flag" with vertical stripes was adopted as the banner of the Confederation of States doing business under The Articles of Confederation as the States of America (1781).

Thus from the infancy of the government of this country, there were two Unions of "States" --- a Federation and a Confederation. 

The Federation operated under the auspices of The United States of America (Unincorporated) includes the international land jurisdiction States known as Maine, Florida, Wisconsin, Texas, California, et alia. 

The Confederation operated under the auspices of the States of America (Unincorporated) included the original State of Maine, State of Florida, State of Wisconsin, State of Texas, State of California, et alia.

The United States of America (Unincorporated) and its States occupy the land jurisdiction of this country and retains the un-delegated powers of the combined states in the international jurisdiction of the sea per Amendment X. 

The States of America (Unincorporated) and its States of State, such as the original State of Georgia, occupied the international jurisdiction of the sea and exercised the delegated powers vouchsafed to the National Level Federal Government. 

The British-backed Territorial United States had a limited Trustee role to play on "the High Seas and Navigable Inland Waterways" and in providing security for the District of Colombia, Puerto Rico, Guam and other "Insular States" but was never intended to serve in any National Level government capacity for us and has no consent to do so. 

What should have happened after the so-called American Civil War, which was in reality an illegal mercenary cat-fight among federal government service providers and would-be government service providers, is that the States of America (Unincorporated) should have been allowed to hold new elections and seat new delegates in the National Congress, and life should have gone on peaceably and normally in this country. 

Instead, shysters serving "as" the members of Congress during the armed hostilities, decided to make a buck after the fighting stopped. Acting in sheer treason they pretended that the National Level Federal Government owed to the actual states and people of this country was "in abeyance" and they substituted Territorial States of States for the original National States of States, deceptively calling one by the same name as the other. 

That is, they substituted a British Territorial State of Florida for the National State of Florida we are owed.  They operated the (Territorial) United States Congress to do this, and rolled all the assets of the original National State of Florida into land trusts which they named Florida State, Wisconsin State, and so forth----which they also controlled.

On the surface, so far as average Americans could see, everything stayed the same.  There was a State of Florida before the war and a State of Florida after the war.  In fact, a profound fraud and change had taken place.  The original National State of Florida was under the direct control of the actual Florida Legislature, which was in turn elected by the living people.  The Territorial State of Florida was operated as a corporate franchise, dba "State of Florida, Inc." operated by the British Crown and controlled by British subject shareholders.

In this way, by fraud, deceit, and Breach of Trust, the British contrived to control what appeared to be our National Government and to get their filthy fingers into our pockets and steal our resources, to control our commercial dealings, our trade policies, and our war-making decisions via the substitution of their own (Territorial) United States Government operating as our National United States Government--- all the while excusing this to the rest of the world and pretending that our government was "in abeyance". 

It was the Biggest Con Job in human history and they have played it to the hilt. 

Bear in mind that all this was accomplished by owning and controlling a relative few Americans who were elected to serve in something calling itself the "United States Congress".  The perpetrators just neglected to tell us which "United States" this Congress was supposed to be serving --- the actual National-Level United States Congress?  The Territorial United States Congress?  The Municipal United States Congress? 

Most of this evil was accomplished by such simple omissions and obfuscations and by "deceptively similar names deceits"---and it is all purposeful fraud undertaken in self-interest from 1860 onward. 

The (Territorial) United States Congress embarked on a series of copyright infringements and more Breaches of Trust by naming its principal corporate franchise after our legitimate and still-standing unincorporated government. In 1868, they created "The United States of America, Incorporated" which they bankrupted in 1907.  They also created "the United States of America, Incorporated" which they bankrupted in 1933. 

They used this similar names deceit to give Americans and the rest of the world the false assumption that we were bankrupt, when in fact, it was only their own territorial and municipal corporations being deliberately bankrupted as a means to promote our assumption of their debts.

The British Crown and the Bank of England and their Buddies have carried on with all of this fraud and duplicity and criminality and have promoted all this treasonous activity in Breach of Trust and violation of their Treaties and Commercial Contracts right under our noses.  They would like for us to interpret this situation as a political issue, but in fact, it is a matter of international crime --- theirs. 

The Territorial United States can fly the Stars and Stripes in wartime.  They can't fly the National Level United States Civil Flag, which is the property of the States of America--- our mothballed and purportedly  "in abeyance" National-level Government.

Since 1999, they haven't even been able to fly the official version Title IV Stars and Stripes they adopted.

In that year, the bankruptcy of the "United States of America, Incorporated" which began in 1933, ended.  As part of the settlement, the Territorial United States Government had to abandon the District of Columbia and decamp, leaving behind all the buildings and the flag and other public property rightfully belonging to The United States of America (Unincorporated), the American States and the American People, who were then and who are now their Priority Creditors. 

Commander Russell-J:Gould stepped into the gap, rescued the Title IV Stars and Stripes, reopened the Post Offices we are owed, and established the continuance of the evidence of our actual government's existence--that is, the National-Level unincorporated government and our unincorporated Territorial Government, as well. 

The perpetrators of these fraud schemes could not fly the actual Title IV Stars and Stripes during the corporate bankruptcies they engineered as a means of picking us clean, so they flew decorative versions with gold fringe and caps on the flagstaffs as "National Colors" instead.  They hung the Stars and Stripes vertically in the Congressional Chambers as a pretense of civil authority and substitute for the United States Civil Flag. The perpendicular hanging of the Stars and Stripes also "strikes" that version and gives Notice of their international bankruptcy. 

Here's the cheerful news.  The United States of America (Unincorporated) owns it all, absolutely, all across the board.  The unincorporated government is the sovereign government.  All the rest of this is just international crime by foreign governments and foreign corporations-- Breach of Trust, Fraud, Unlawful Conversion, False Claims in Commerce, etc., etc., etc.  None of it has any validity and none of it is our fault.

As important as the States of America organization was as our National Level Government exercising our Delegated Powers and as outrageous as it is that our then-elected public servants and international Trustees allowed and committed these frauds against us and our lawful government, we are still in control and the flags are still ours. Both of them.

During the Obama Administration the perpetrators had one last throw at us. 

They couldn't work out a way to force us to void the constitutional agreements, so they contrived to vacate them, instead, by bankrupting both the Territorial United States Government and the Municipal United States Government at the same time.  That would leave all three levels of the Federal Government inoperative and all the constitutional agreements vacated.  We would be at the mercy of every pirate and bounder and international bank in the world.

The mothballed National Government --- all those juicy State trusts -- and all the "personal" ESTATE TRUSTS the perpetrators established and operated "in our NAMES", would then be easy pickings for the Secondary Creditors of the bankrupt Territorial and Municipal Government organizations to claim as "abandoned trust property".  We would be left with nothing, penniless and homeless in our own country.

Instead, we re-issued our Sovereign Letters Patent and concluded agreements with new "Federal" Partners, the American Indian Nations. 

This action prevented any "vacating" of the constitutional agreements from the federal side and again gave Notice to the world that our assets are not abandoned.

Just to drive the point home again, the Hereditary Head of State and owner of both The Great Seal of the United States of America and The Great Seal of the United States, issued the Declaration of Flag/Conveyance of the Abeyance/End of Presumed Interregnum and Proclamation in Addendum on October 21, 2017---and placed it in the public records internationally.

Our United States Civil Flag is fully restored and in use again and our Stars and Stripes has never been retired. 

Despite all the lies, all the criminality, all the effort to overcome our lawful government by fraud and deceit and Breach of Trust and every other means--- we are still standing, and you can be proud of both your flags and your seals.

In celebration of the restoration of your National-Level Government, we advise and invite everyone to fly the United States Civil Flag. Both flags are ours and they are both honorable for our part, but of the two, the United States Civil Flag is most uniquely and recognizably our own.  No foreign territorial or municipal government in the world can fly it, including those that claim to exercise some of our delegated powers. 

We continue to press our charges and our claims and to absolutely rebut any presumption by any party anywhere that our actual sovereign government is now or ever has been in any sort of bankruptcy or interregnum. We claim every cubic centimeter of American soil, and all trusts private and public naturally belonging to the American states and people. 
See this article and over 800 others on Anna's website here:

Obama's Secret Army FOUND! (SES)

News Digest March 18, 2018 - emailed by a reader

Just askin'..

News Digest March 18_ 2018.htm

Doctor Blows Whistle on Flu Shot: 'It’s Designed to Spread Cancer'
Dr. John Bergman issues warning to the public of 'flu panic'
A top doctor has gone on the record to blow the whistle in a video statement and reveal that flu vaccines have been laced with "cancer-causing ingredients." Dr. John Bergman has revealed the influenza vaccinations being used to combat the latest H3N2 strain, are virtually ineffective and being forced onto the public through fear tactics to spread cancer.
Read more at:
© Neon Nettle

Government document confirms link between vaccines and microcephaly

President Trump Goes FULL Anti-Vaxx
- by Kent Heckenlively -  From the opening paragraph: “The Department of Justice has filed a lawsuit charging that a Wisconsin nursing home’s insistence that all employees get annual flu vaccinations amounted to religious discrimination and a violation of the Civil Rights Act of 1964... ” Trump’s Justice Department is putting us on the same legal footing as the Freedom Riders of the 1960s who protested against segregation.

Experiment Demonstrates the Deadly Power of Social Compliance
 - by Dylan Charles - "The main experiment picks up from there, involving unwitting subjects who are gradually convinced of the need to push another person off of a high-rise building. It’s an elaborate setup, which builds upon one small act of compliance after another until the subject is put into a situation where they are encouraged to kill a man they just met."

SPLC Secretly Admits White Genocide Is Real and Has Been “Planned for a While”

Putin’s State of the Union Reveals Russian Superiority in Nuclear Weapons Technology
By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, March 02, 2018

In his speech Putin revealed the existence of new Russian nuclear weapons that make it indisputably clear that Russia has vast nuclear superiority over the United States and its pathetic NATO vassal states.
In view of the Russian capabilities, it is not clear that the US any longer qualifies as a superpower.

Sent: Saturday, March 3, 2018 1:26:16 PM
Subject: Fw: [wildsalmonpeople] Washington State votes to phase out Atlantic salmon farms!!
Washington State has now acted on this abomination!  After literally DECADES - when is my IGNORANT B.C. Government going to act????
Alexandra Morton
Ongoing chronicle of the failure of salmon farming in British Columbia

What's in your toothpaste?  Flouride?? REALLY???  THROW IT!

Fluoride Literally Turns the Pineal Gland to Stone, Research Suggests

The pineal gland is best known for its role in producing the hormone melatonin from serotonin (triggered by the absence of light) and affects wake/sleep patterns and seasonal/circadian rhythms. Like a tiny pea-sized pine cone it is located near the center of the brain, between the two hemispheres  and is a unique brain structure insofar as it is not protected by the blood-brain-barrier. This may also explain why it is uniquely sensitive to calcification via fluoride exposure.


He has no idea what’s going on and Justin forgot his lines. Donald Trump will have a field day with the juvenile Canadian PM.

World’s Climate is Rapidly Cooling

- by Dr. Sircus

Contrary to all of the hype about melting glaciers, at least 58 New Zealand glaciers advanced between 1983 and 2008. Indeed, Franz Josef Glacier advanced nearly continuously during those years. “We found that lower temperature caused the glaciers to advance, rather than increased precipitation as previously thought. These periods of reduced temperature affected the entire New Zealand region, and they were significant enough for the glaciers to re-advance in spite of human-induced climate change.”

It is not going to be fun trying to survive in the northern reaches of our planet. Remember that movie about the sudden onset of a new ice age where the scientist picks up a marker and sweeps it across the belly of America and says to the President, evacuate everyone below this line. Rapid cooling is happening to our beloved earth and there is nothing we can do about it except fantasize about global warming. The ice and snow that is headed our way is going to bury civilization in the northern latitudes in the next few decades.

Paypal Founder Builds World’s First Floating Nation To ‘Liberate Humanity From Politicians’
“The floating city would  create an environment that encourages innovation and start-up governments, rather than the ‘monopolies’ of today. It will give people the freedom to choose the government they want instead of being stuck with the government they get.”

'NSA-proof' Tor actually funded by US govt agency, works with BBG, FBI and DOJ - FOIA docs
The Tor Project, hailed as a bulwark against the encroaching surveillance state, has received funding from US government agency the BBG and cooperates with intelligence agencies, newly released documents reveal. Tor, free software which enables anonymous communication over the internet, is a "privatized extension of the very same government that it claimed to be fighting," claims journalist Yasha Levine, who obtained 2,500 pages of correspondence about the project via Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests. Hailed as "NSA-proof" and used by journalists and whistleblowers alike to protect themselves and their sources from government retribution, Tor is painted in an entirely new light in the FOIA documents, which reveal cooperation between the software’s developers and US government agencies.

Telling It Like It Is

Special Message for the FBI, CIA, Homeland Security, DIA, MI6, MI5, etc., etc., etc.,

By Anna Von Reitz

Just so everyone knows, my policy toward all "intelligence" agencies---is to let them stare up my skirt until they see Jesus.
I could care less about their snooping and eaves-dropping and telephone surveillance and email encryption hacking and all the rest of it.
I am sure that there are by now many agents from many agencies here and abroad who have been bored to tears listening to my "personal" phone calls, and still more who have gotten a real education from doing so.
So that is just all right with me. My policy is listen all you like and learn something of value to yourselves and your countries. Maybe your own conscience will be moved. Maybe you will start wondering about what really happened in 1865 and start searching for a Peace Treaty ending the Civil War.... maybe you will start wondering what a "Withholding Agent" really is.... or, maybe you will look up the history of the Postal Service and figure out that I am a party to the 2010 Postal Treaty of the Americas--- an updating of all the Postal Treaties owed to the Continental United States since 1754.
And maybe that will inspire you guys to look up the actual Postal Treaties and Offices, which will lead you to figure out why there are seven (7) offices all called something like United States Postmaster..... or United States Post Master....and what is that about? Why two different spellings? Postmaster? Post Master? Hmmm....? Got any answers? Smart asses?
Maybe if you spy on me long enough the ding-dong bell in someone's head somewhere will ring and "the government" will to figure out that, yes, Virginia, there really is a Continental United States, a Territorial United States, and a Municipal United States.... and they all have Postal Union Treaties.
Who knew? Who bothered to look? I did.
The seat of government for Americans is Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, and always has been.
The Supreme Court for Americans is the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania, not the US Supreme Court in Washington, DC.
Wow. Isn't that a dilly? Kinda turns your head upside down and backwards, doesn't it?
And it is all fact, set in stone.
Now, granted, there are still a lot of rank and file Americans who don't know what I just told you, but then, they aren't pretending to be intelligence agents. Most of them wouldn't even claim to be intelligent, period.
But for you "intelligence" guys, it's different.
You are all paid quite well and given all the bells and whistles and clearances to investigate things, so I do hold you responsible for investigating. And with all these billions spent on intelligence and security, I expect to have some---intelligence on your parts and security on mine.
In fact, this may be a big wake up call, but I expect all the highly paid government geniuses in the room to figure out who they are, where they are, who they work for, and WTH they are doing.
Today I had someone call me up and say, "Psst! Psst! There's talk...." Yeah, the Bad People are going to "take you down" for talking to Russell-J:Gould. He's under investigation for "Postal Treaty Treason"-----woot-woot.
Pretty hard to commit treason against yourself, isn't it?
There are three (3) sets of postal treaties, two (2) seats of government, and all these intelligence agencies need to get some---intelligence, that is.
So get on your headsets and hunker down, boys.
The same person told me that if I get too many people on my "ship of state" the omnipresent THEY would arrest me for treason.
Well, again, these intelligence agents are just awfully lacking one key ingredient, aren't they?
The first big announcement is that I am not subject to their government, they are subject to mine; I employ them, they don't employ me. Go figure.
The second Red Hot News item is that my ship of state is the one pulling their shore-to-shore dinghy along in its wake. If my ship of state goes down, guess whose rubber raft is going to get sucked down to Davy Jones' locker right along with me?
I have my own Postal Treaty and my own government, which hired THEM to provide certain essential government services (See Article IV) back in 1789, but somewhere along the road, they got stupid and mistook the Municipal Government as their employer, instead.
That's like a moose falling in love with a horse, and they still haven't figured out the facts of life 150 years later.
That's intelligence.... I just don't know what kind. Deluded? Delayed? Slower than an average glacier?
Maybe we need new questions on the Civil Service Exam?
You would think that after fifteen decades of the "innee" not fitting the "outtee" all these very intelligent government workers would get it, but no, they are still wandering around sniggering and swaggering and making threats against little old ladies and hatching entrapment schemes and trying their best to cause trouble---for their actual employers, no less.
(Is that why they think we employ them? Really?)
"I dunno, Clag," says Clug. "What do you think, Clug?" says Clag. "I dunno. Ask Glap. Glap will know."
Well, I certainly hope that "Glap" does know and that he gets a move on.
If there's any treason in this house, it's the treason of federal government employees defrauding their employers--- people like me. If there is any loyalty owed that has been grossly betrayed, its the loyalty that federal government employees should owe to me----not the other way around.
If other Americans want to come home and reclaim their stolen identity and their trust estates and man their grossly neglected but still viable ship of state, guess what? That's their private business, not the business of any "agency" or any "agency personnel" of any bankrupt foreign governmental services corporation.
Now, here's a bit of INTEL that you all need to know and memorize and have tattooed on the inside of your wrist for quick reference:
You can't force citizenship on anyone nor can you alienate anyone from their nationality.
Both of those offenses are big time international war crimes and a capitol offense of the sort that involve firing squads and piano wire. Read the Geneva Conventions. Read the Hague Conventions.
Realize that you are dealing with the actual, factual government of this country when you are dealing with me.
I am your employer and the Priority Creditor of your bankrupt governmental services corporations. Both of them.
You all heard it here. Read those few sentences again. And again. And again. And again. Read it however many times it takes to sink in. This isn't any cops-and-robbers game and I am not running for any office or building any political movement or asking permission to spit on the sidewalk,
That's my sidewalk.
Get it? Mine. My sidewalk. I get to hop, skip, jump, run, and sit on the curb if I want to. Why? Because it's mine. And its my ship of state, too. My heirloom. My heritage. My inheritance. It has nothing to do with you, unless and until you decide to come home, take up your lawful duty, and stop trying to hump a horse.
Research all you like. Get an ear-full. Get an eye-full.
The Truth is a threat to Liars and Evil-Doers, a light unto the cockroaches, and if you are feeling threatened by a Great-Grandma because she is telling you the truth about your own country's history and the way your own government is set up, it's time for you to question what you are doing and who you are doing it for.
There's no job on Earth worth betraying your own country and your own people. Grow some Christmas ornaments and come home.

Delingpole: NOAA Caught Lying About Arctic Sea Ice

Alternatives to YouTube as it becomes the hand of state censorship and suppression:
Alternative video platforms:

Please don't shoot the messenger. I have grown up with guns and have NEVER seen one lose control of itself..
Gun Stuff To Think About

Definition of "Qualified" is limited idiot
If you are qualified teacher then you are limited idiot. If you home school your children and the state stops in and ask you if you are qualified, tell then NO! You are not a limited idiot! I learned that from Howard Griswold. Makes sense to me.

Election interference ALERT: Google / YouTube now blatantly trying to steal the 2018 elections

(Natural News) The realization is suddenly obvious: The Google / YouTube selective “censorship rampage” that has targeted conservative websites and content creators is a brazen, illegal scheme to interfere with U.S. elections and steal the 2018 mid-terms.

(Related: Read 10 powerful things you can do NOW to take back your freedom from the “techno tyrants”…)

The systematic silencing of conservative views is necessary, of course, for Democrats to win enough seats to gain control of the U.S. House of Representatives after the mid-term elections. Once control is established, Democrats will immediately move to impeach President Trump. Although the Senate would not likely prosecute that impeachment, the mere achievement of the U.S. House declaring “impeachment” would be enough to convince most brainwashed news consumers that Trump is somehow a guilty criminal (nobody will remember that Bill Clinton was also impeached by the House). From there, the 2020 presidential election is also stolen, and Democrats land their selected tyrant in the White House just in time for Ginsberg’s retirement from SCOTUS.

Time to take down the government bird feeder
I bought a bird feeder.  I hung it on my back porch and filled it with seed.
What a beauty of a bird feeder it was, as I filled it lovingly with seed.
Within a week we had hundreds of birds taking advantage of the continuous flow of free and easily accessible food.
But then the birds started building nests in the boards of the patio above the table and next to the barbecue.
Then came the poop. It was every where - on the patio tile, the chairs, the table – every where!
Then some of the birds turned mean. They would dive bomb me and try to peck me even though I had fed them out of my own pocket.
And others birds were boisterous and loud. They sat on the feeder and squawked and screamed at all hours of the day and night and demanded that I fill it when it got low on food.
After a while, I couldn't even sit on my own back porch any more so I took down the bird feeder and in three days the birds were gone. I cleaned up their mess and took down the many nests they had built all over the patio.
Soon the back yard was like it used to be ....... quiet, serene.... and no one demanding their 'rights' to a free meal.

Now let's see......

Our government gives out free food, subsidized housing, free medical care and free education, and allows anyone born here to be an automatic citizen.

Then the illegal's came by the tens of thousands. Suddenly our taxes went up to pay for free services - small apartments are housing 5 families; you have to wait 6 hours to be seen by an emergency room doctor; your  child's second grade class is behind other schools because over half the class doesn't speak English.

Corn flakes now come in a bilingual box. I have to 'press one ' to hear my bank talk to me in English, and people waving flags other than ”ours” are squawking and screaming in the streets, demanding more 'rights' and 'free liberties'.

Just my opinion, but maybe it's time for the government to take down the bird feeder.

Do you agree? Then pass this on.  If not, just continue cleaning up the poop!

‘I never thought I’d say this in my life, but cell phones are probably worse than cigarettes for overall health.’
- Dr Jack Kruse

‘I have no doubt in my mind that at the present time, the greatest polluting element in the earth’s environment is the proliferation of electromagnetic fields. I consider that to be far greater on a global scale than warming, and the increase in chemical elements in the environment.’
- Dr Robert O Becker